A weekly podcast that aims to give an uncensored look into the journeys of Black women who have successfully navigated climbing the corporate ladder.
​Past guests include Nzinga Shaw, Dorothy Capers, Karen Kerr, Amy Elisa Jackson, Jacqie McWilliams, Andrea Zopp, Dorri McWhorter, Sherina Maye Edwards, and many more. If these names are unfamiliar to you, GOOD! Tune in to learn about Black women moving the career needle for all of us.
Our goal for the podcast is two-fold. First, expose you to Black women leaders who are working to ensure that the climb up the corporate ladder for the next generation of leaders is a smoother climb. Second, and perhaps most important, is to give the next generation of Black female corporate leaders some tangible and actionable resources that they can apply to their career journey up the corporate ladder.
​During our conversations, we discuss specific things that ambitious Black women can do to create their own career paths. We cover topics including, but not limited to, mentorship, career pivots, resources, self-advocacy, and most importantly hair, ha!
​You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud.