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How an Accountability Group Changed the Course of my Career

So a quick story. At the beginning of 2018, I thought it would be great to start an accountability group of dope Black women who I knew, but who didn’t know each other, to help us all accomplish more in 2018 than we thought was possible. If you have ever heard me speak, then you know building and being in community is something that I believe in wholeheartedly.

If you have never heard of an accountability group, it is "a gathering of people who share their goals and support each other in reaching them. The group meets regularly to share their goals for the next week, to report on their progress from the week before, and to offer support to other members."

Selfishly, I wanted to start the group because I had some pretty big goals, like starting I Choose the Ladder and I wanted to be around women who also had huge goals, who would hold me accountable.

I reached out to some of the women in my network to see if they would be willing to do 2018 together to accomplish our career goals and they said yes.

At the time, I didn't even know that you are 95% more likely to accomplish a goal if you have a standing meeting focused on the goal, but I just felt that it was something that I need.

What I will say is that during that year, we accomplished so much! I started I Choose the Ladder, one person opened a private school, a few women in the group get new jobs and salary increases, multiple people found love, while others paid off debt, and purchased new homes. I could go on and on about the magic that happened because we were there to make sure that we succeeded.

I recorded a really short podcast episode on the benefits of being in an accountability group, you can listen to it here. For me, the most impactful parts have been knowledge sharing and objective feedback.

Almost three years later and I am STILL in an accountability group. The difference between the one that I am currently in and the one that I was in in 2018 is that I am paying to be in this group and it is a mix of in-person (when COVID ends) and virtual.

I found that paying for the group has impacted the types of people who join, they are even more serious about their goals, and the level of engagement is a lot higher because everyone there wants to make sure that they are getting the most from their financial investment, I know I do, so I am at every meeting!

At first, I was apprehensive about paying for the group, but what I can say is that 2021 is definitely going to be a career-changing year, because of the support of the group. I have already learned more than I could have anticipated, my network has grown by at least 15 deep relationships, and I am laser-focused with fewer distractions than ever because they help keep me on course.

If you have big career goals for 2021, my #1 recommendation would be to get in an accountability group and be an active member. It will do wonders for your career.

Oh, that picture is where it all started. The original 2018 accountability group!

P.S. Did you know that I Choose the Ladder has an accountability group? If you are trying to get a raise, promotion, or new job in the next 12-months, you should definitely join us.

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